Nanna this is where I hang up my school bag
I am a real sucker for watching the school kids especially at Assembly and singing..Grandparents day what a fantastic idea.... we never had that when my kids were little... I wonder if it is an acknowledgement for the work that grandparents do... or is it that more grandparents are looking after children. The children sang beautifully... they had also written poems about their grandparents... it did bring a tear to my eye.... and Jasmine kept an eye on me to make sure I was watching her... and she knew all the words to the songs.. so cleaver.
For me this has become very important because I never knew the concept of grandparents... or extended family... because mine all died young... as for my parents... I came from a rather dysfunctional family... so my children didn't grow up with grandparents... or rather they did know a sort of grandparent..... so it has been very important for me to be the best Nana possible .... our family has grown rather significantly... there are uncles and aunties and cousins... plus the fact that Ian and I are the Brady Bunch... three kids each which makes for seven grandchildren.... so we are steppies.... so to speak... but we all mix well and for all the grandchildren we are Nanna and Pops..... and we do our best to treat them all equally.... and believe me that can be a merry dance.....
I was so proud of Jasmine... she looked so sweet... we sat on the mat and read a few stories... she showed me around the school and introduced me to the teacher... she is so cleaver sometimes I think she is way beyond her years.... she is a bright cookie... and needs lots of one to one time... there are no flies on this girl.. does not miss a trick... she has a better sense of direction than me... in fact on this morning I took her to school and she showed me the way.... which was a good 20 mins from home.... she was 4 when she did this... I am slow at putting this post up.... because grandparent day was at the beginning of this year.... sorry Jasmine... just too busy....
But she did a brilliant job.... I got lost coming back to work....