Harry Chapin sings a song called ‘circle’ this song is apt when you think about life and how things go round in swings and roundabouts. I remember when I used to take my children to the telethon breakfast and building the money brick wall now that would be over 20 years ago. Now I am going with my grandchildren – life is really a circle! When you do these things when your children are young you really do not realise what impact it has if any impact. For my daughter Faye, she remembers those times as happy fun family times, going to meet Fat Cat, Percy and Humphrey B Bear, she now wants her children to enjoy the same things. I must say it is different now to what it was back then, it’s more complicated now.
All my life's a circle;
Sunrise and sundown;
Moon rolls thru the night time;
Till the daybreak comes around.
All my life's a circle;
But I can't tell you why;
Season's spinning round again;
The years keep rollin' by.

Faye decided that it would be a good idea to go on the Telethon 2km Toddle walk this year, and both sets of grandees can go along for the walk too. Yes great idea, I love being a grandparent, however I think I am old enough for the job.
Sunday morning is usually our sleep in morning – not this Sunday we are up at the crack of dawn, well not quite. We decided that as there were two sets of grandparents going we need more children to go, so we took Jasmine 4.5yrs and Talia almost 2yrs old. It was the first time we had taken Talia out without mum and dad – she was so excited, going out with big sis, nanna and pops. Talia proudly waved bye bye to a nervous mum and dad, mind you I am sure they would enjoy a few hours break with only Sam left at home (8mths). We would be meeting them later in the day for a family birthday lunch.
I’m not sure of the numbers that attended, but it was packed. I was a little disappointed at the organisation of the day. The first problem was the power went off and the walk was delayed for at least 30 mins. Dylan enjoyed watching Bob the Builder and Jasmine is old enough to really enjoy the dancing routines; her favourite was the bumble bees. The walk really needs to be a one way walk, not 1km there and turn around and come back. The path is too narrow with pushers, prams, bikes, toddlers, dogs and some oldies, not me.

It was fun to see the markers each 0.5km and we took Jasmines picture at each sign, she was really good and walked the whole two k’s.

As for Dylan he to walked but often had a ride on Dad’s shoulders, Talia was in the stroller for ¾ of the way and Isabella was in the pusher and managed a sleep. Both granddads did well, and off course the nanna’s didn’t have a problem. At the end of the walk was the ‘good fairy’ and the kids had their photo with her and received some fairy dust, off course grand pops wanted his picture taken, what a surprise that was!

I was disappointed that Fat Cat only appeared on stage for a short period, it would be nice if he could mingle amongst the kids so that the grandparents could take some photos, alas that did not happen. It was time for a nice cold drink and some food, thank goodness the other nanna and Faye were organised with food, as we were going out for lunch, I just took a packet of biscuits and some water. Better planning is required for next year. All the kids had balloons, Jasmine seem to lose every balloon we managed to give her. We took Dylan, Jasmine and Talia on the mini Ferris wheel - Talia was all keen to go on, until it started to move upwards, then the crying started and the call of 'nanna' came - it was time to go to the rescue and get her off - it reminded me of the time when we were in Durban and Faye went on a spinning wheel and really did not like it, in fact she was sick, so there was flying vomit!!! yuk, it took her a long time to forgive me and she was much older than Talia. So I was very worried about little Talia, I didn't want her upset or traumatised. Nothing some fairy floss did not fix.

A good time was had by all, we left about 1230 to go to lunch, I thought the kids would have a sleep in the car, you know what thought did! the others stayed and had a nice picnic lunch and then all went home for an afternoon siesta.

Be good until the next nanna adventure with the little darlings!